‘Lies demotivate people’, – Poroshenko calls on authorities not to repeat past mistakes

Source: Petro Poroshenko’s parliament speech

In his parliament speech, the former president of Ukraine and leader of the ‘European Solidarity’ party Petro Poroshenko called on the authorities not to repeat the mistakes made before the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation.

In particular, Poroshenko emphasized that the third year of the full-scale invasion will be very difficult, and the authorities must tell people the truth.

‘There is no doubt that the third year of the war will be more difficult than the previous two. This is the bitter truth of life. It is far from the sweet lies of the TV marathon. Lies completely demotivate the Ukrainian people and prevent mobilization,’ Poroshenko said.

He also noted that the position of the ‘European Solidarity’ party is not to repeat the mistakes that the authorities made before a full-scale war, when draft laws on strengthening the defense capability and increasing the funding of the army were not put to the vote for half a year.

The former president added that the leadership of the parliament should immediately cancel the ban on the broadcast of the Verkhovna Rada sessions.

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