Rare forest cat spotted in Ternopil region

Source: Medobory Nature Reserve

The hidden camera in Medobory Nature Reserve, Ternopil region, filmed a rare forest wild cat.

In Ukraine, this species is considered almost extinct and belongs to the Red Book of endangered animals.

The forest cat is protected by the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

‘This predatory mammal is the ancestor of the modern domestic cat. It appeared 650 thousand years ago. Forest cats are very cautious and fearful. They usually lead a solitary lifestyle. Each forest cat has about ten square kilometers of territory. By way of life, forest cats are mainly nocturnal terrestrial animals, although they can deftly climb trees in search of prey. During the day, they rest in a cozy place,’ the nature reserve statement explains.

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