10 years ago Ukraine army liberated Mariupol

Source: Bukvy

On June 13, 2014, the Ukrainian army liberated Mariupol, Donetsk region, from Russian and pro-Russian forces.

10 years ago, in 2014, Russia began the occupation of Crimea and started the war in eastern Ukraine.

In May 2014, the situation in Mariupol escalated sharply, but Ukrainian troops were able to repulse the Russian attack and establish control over the city.

The day of liberation was first solemnly celebrated at the state level in 2016. On June 13, 2021, the city hosted a parade dedicated to the 7th anniversary of the liberation of the city, in which units of the National Guard, the State Border Service, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other law enforcement agencies, as well as cadets and veterans, took part.

After the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, Mariupol became one of the main targets of the Russian army. The city was brutally bombarded and besieged by Russian troops.

On May 16, 2022, the Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol, who had courageously defended the city for 85 days, received an order to leave the Azovstal plant. Now the city is still occupied by the Russian invaders.

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