Missile attack on Lviv: 3 civilians wounded, damage to infrastructure object

Source: Lviv mayor Andrii Sadovyi

On Thursday morning, Ukraine suffered another massive Russian missile attack.

According to mayor Andrii Sadovyi, the region was targeted with more than 10 missiles.

In the city of Lviv, an infrastructure object was hit during the attack. The strike also caused damage to the apartment buildings and a school in the neighborhood.

Region governor Maksym Kozytskyi reported three civilian resident wounded after the attack.

Later, mayor Andrii Sadovyi stated that the attack caused damage to two schools and a kindergarten.

The Ukrainian air defense managed to intercepted and destroy 13 out of 26 Russian missiles during the attack.

Explosions were  also heard in Zaporizhzhia, Dnipro and in Khmelnytskyi region.

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