Irpin public transport operator faces understaffing, hires female bus drivers

Source: Irpin Daily/Facebook

After many of its male bus drivers were called up for military service, the public transport operator in Irpin, a community in the Kyiv suburbs, had to hire female bus drivers.

“Today, the Route 389 bus of Irpin public transport services has a female driver,” said the operator in a statement on Facebook.

Earlier in June, Ukraine’s Economy Ministry stated that the country needs more retraining schemes to allow women to step in for men. Ukraine’s legislation currently grants businesses deemed ‘critical’ for the domestic economy deferments from the draft for 50% of their male employees. However, understaffing issues are growing, causing Kyiv Metro and Mykolaiv public transit to reduce their transport services.

And it’s not just Irpin feeling the pinch. In Chernivtsi, Mayor Roman Klichuk described the situation as “critical,” with many municipal services struggling due to understaffing.