Mass migration from Ukraine: 400,000 have moved elsewhere in 2024

Source: National Bank of Ukraine

Some 400,000 people have left Ukraine in 9 months of 2024, according to the National Bank of Ukraine. This brings the total number of Ukrainian migrants worldwide to 6.7 million, according to the earlier revealed findings from the United Nations. In its report issued on Friday, the National Bank of Ukraine shed some light on the life of Ukranian refugees.

Key Destinations for Ukrainian Migrants

Most Ukrainian migrants are heading to countries like Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Germany now hosts 1.1 million Ukrainians, followed by Poland with 976,000, and the Czech Republic with 361,000. While these countries have been a refuge for many, changes in local policies are making it harder for migrants to stay.

Tougher Conditions for Migrants

Several countries that have welcomed Ukrainian refugees are tightening their migration policies:

  • Poland: As of July 2024, Poland has withdrawn the one-time assistance of 300 zlotys and the monthly 40 zlotys for private housing. Additionally, there is a push to transition people from temporary protection status to temporary residency.
  • Czech Republic: Migrants can now stay in state-provided humanitarian housing for only 150 days, after which standard rental conditions apply.
  • Germany: With the lowest employment rate among Ukrainians due to generous educational stipends, the German government is considering revising these benefits and increasing scrutiny on those refusing to work.

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