Negative prognoses regarding Kakhovka reservoir do not come true

Source: Ukrinform

More than half of the area of the Kakhovka Reservoir is currently covered with young willow forests.The damp soil of the bottom became an ideal environment for seed germination.

Ecologist Ivan Moisienko, who, together with other scientists, conducts research on the sites of the Kamianska Sich National Nature Park, noted that the negative predictions regarding the reservoir did not come true.

He said that there were different prognoses regarding the future of the reservoir: from dust storms to contamination with heavy metals or mass spread of invasive plant species.

However, in fact, local plant species are dominating in the area. The willows have covered the bottom of the reservoir, because the explosion of the Kakhovka dam occurred at the very time when the willow seeds were ripening. Trees grow very quickly, reaching now a height of up to 3 meters.

In the place of former watercourses and lakes, swamps have appeared with their characteristic plants, but mainly with local species.

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