Parliament plans to classify mobilization cases in Court Register

Source: Court-legal newspaper

Draft law No. 7033-d, which was approved in the first reading by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on May 23, may lead to the closure of certain aspects of court cases related to mobilization and military service to the public.

The document provides for the classifying certain information in the Unified State Register of Court Decisions due to its ‘sensitivity in wartime conditions’.

The authors of the draft law suggest that the courts independently decide which cases should be excluded from public access.

In addition, before the second reading in the parliament, it is proposed to close certain types of court decisions in the Register, which relate to sanctions for non-fulfillment of military duty.

The draft law may lead to hiding even the names of state bodies in court decisions.In addition, the list of court decisions, access to which is limited, is expanding.

Such a move, notes Transparency International Ukraine, contradicts the principle of transparency of the judicial process and may create corruption risks.

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