Petro Poroshenko invests UAH 150 million in new electronic warfare systems

Source: Petro Poroshenko on Facebook

The former president of Ukraine and leader of the ‘European Solidarity’ party Petro Poroshenko presented the development of a new system of radio-electronic warfare, which should potentially counter Russian drones.

The system is called ‘Ai-Petri SV’ and Petro Poroshenko donated UAH 150 million in its development. This is a modern mobile means of cyber defense, which allows neutralizing enemy drones such as Orlan, Zala, and Lancet. It is also noted that there are positive results in countering guided aerial bombs.

The first system is now being tested at the front protecting from Russian drones two Ukrainian artillery units.

Poroshenko emphasized that this is actually a cyber-weapon that intercepts enemy unmanned aerial vehicles. He stated that usually the development of such a complex lasts from 3 to 8 years, but this project was completed in less than 5 months.

The former president also noted that they are now working on scaling the project. The complex includes a modern radar station, an anti-drone device, a reliable secure communication, an autonomous power supply, a pickup truck, and control center.

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