Police identified persons involved in assassination attempt on Kazakh opposition activist

Source: Natalia Sadykova and Prosecutor General office

The police identified persons involved in the assassination attempt on Kazakh opposition journalist Aidos Sadykov.

The incident took place on June 18 in Kyiv. The unknown persons shot at a parked car and severely wounded the journalist.

The wife of the victim, Natalia, informed that the police had identified the alleged attackers. The suspects are two citizens of Kazakhstan. The woman claims that one of the suspects, Meiram Karataev, is an employee of Kazakhstan’s law enforcement agencies.

The Prosecutor General’s office declared the suspicion to both of them. The arrest of the suspects has not yet been reported.

The President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, officially announced that the country’s authorities would cooperate with the investigation.

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