Poroshenko contracts Ukrainian-made excavators to construct fortifications

Source: Petro Poroshenko

Petro Poroshenko has announced the contract with Ukrainian manufacturers of construction machinery. The former president will purchase excavators and hand them over to the Ukrainian army for fortification work.

Poroshenko systematically supplies construction equipment to the Armed Forces. The excavators are already working in Kharkiv and Donetsk regions and in the northern direction.

While at the production site, he noted the availability of everything that is needed at the front – new, modern, powerful, Ukrainian-made excavators.

‘When we started the program for the purchase of equipment for the construction of fortifications, we were looking for used equipment from abroad. It required a lot of time and resources to restore and repair. Therefore, our team decided to buy new TDC excavators from a Ukrainian manufacturer,’ Poroshenko explained.

The former president is convinced that investment in the Ukrainian production is the best way to support both the economy and the army.

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