Poroshenko discusses aid for Ukraine with Polish presidential candidate

Source: European Solidarity

On his visit to Poland, Ukraine’s former president Petro Poroshenko met with Warsaw mayor Rafał Trzaskowski to discuss Poland’s support for Ukraine. The two politicians focused on key security issues, including air defense modeled after Israel’s system, energy security during the upcoming winter season, and humanitarian aid.

According to “European Solidarity,” Poroshenko thanked the mayor for granting shelterover 100,000 Ukrainians in Warsaw. The meeting also adressed the issues of “decentralization, maintaining free media during wartime, and addressing the cultural and linguistic needs of Ukrainian children in Poland”.

“I provided him with a detailed update on Ukraine’s overall security situation, the frontline status, the motivation of Ukrainian soldiers, and our urgent needs to repel the Russian invasion. Now is the time for a joint response with our allies, following the ‘Israeli model,’ to counter the brazen attacks on Ukrainian territory and violations of allied airspace,” Poroshenko wrote on social media.

Tipped as a possible presidential candidate in Poland’s 2025 presidential elections, Rafał Trzaskowski has been an outspoken supporter of Ukraine.

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