Poroshenko proposes a plan of urgent measures to avoid an energy collapse

Source: Petro Poroshenko in a briefing

The former president of Ukraine and leader of the ‘European Solidarity’ party Petro Poroshenko proposed a plan of urgent measures to protect Ukraine from an energy collapse.

Poroshenko noted that, first of all, it is necessary to support those who are trying to solve energy supply problems on their own. He is convinced that energy decentralization will save Ukraine.

This approach involves attracting financial assistance from partners and budget funds for the construction of small power stations in territorial communities. The communities should receive preferential loans to ensure uninterrupted power supply of critical needs, including elevators, water supply, and drainage.

The government should urgently introduce a draft law to completely eliminate any customs duties on imported energy equipment, so that local authorities can develop decentralization of the energy sector.

In addition, Poroshenko proposes to maximally simplify the rules of design and commissioning of power equipment. Ukraine needs a tax holiday for manufacturers of energy equipment and equipment, as well as a moratorium on inspections of enterprises engaged in the production, installation and maintenance of energy.

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