Poroshenko urges Ukraine’s allies lift ban on strikes into Russian territory

Source: European Solidarity Party

Former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko has called on Western allies to remove all restrictions on Ukraine’s use of foreign-supplied weaponry for strikes on Russian territory. Speaking at an international conference in Berlin, Poroshenko argued such timid response only  embolden Russia as it intensifies its attacks on civilian targets across Ukraine.

Poroshenko said that Russian arms depots and troop concentrations nust be legitimate targets.

“We are waiting for Western arms, I am not talking about machine guns or bulletproof vests. I mean long-range missiles. Why? Because Ukraine has the right to attack legitimate military targets on Russian territory,” said Poroshenko.

Another critical issue is availability of  air defence systems that can help protect Ukrainian cities and civilians from Russian attacks. Poroshenko mentioned Israel which received international assistance in countering Iranian missile strikes.

“Can anyone explain why we can’t use NATO’s potential not to attack Russia, but to defend Ukrainian airspace? There is no explanation. That’s why we need to accelerate this,” he said. “Putin must understand that he has no hope of winning this war.”

Poroshenko was bitter about Ukraine’s to NATO membership that is still wrangled over and remains “mired in protracted discussions”.

He reminded that the 2008 Bucharest Summit Declaration opened the NATO doors to Ukraine.

“If the doors are open, let us in. If not, then tell the world why,” Poroshenko challenged.

Poroshenko urged Ukraine’s allies to intensify sanctions against Russia to cripplie it might. “Putin understands only the language of force. He will go as far as we collectively allow him to, and he will stop exactly where we make him stop,” Poroshenko asserted.

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