Ukraine and Portugal sighed a bilateral security agreement

Source: president Volodymyr Zelensky

On May 28, in Lisbon, Prime Minister Luiz Montenegro and President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a bilateral security agreement between Ukraine and Portugal.

The document contains Portugal’s commitment to provide Ukraine with at least 126 million euros of military aid this year.

The agreement also states that Portugal confirms its support for reforms in Ukraine for its accession to the European Union and NATO, in particular the strengthening of economic and trade relations.

The parties will coordinate and strengthen joint efforts to support Ukraine on its path to future NATO membership. In addition, Portugal confirms its participation in the F-16 coalition and coalition of naval capabilities, as well as in the procurement of artillery ammunition, mine clearance and maritime security programs.

The agreement also emphasizes cooperation in the defense industry, intelligence, countering disinformation and other areas.

Portugal became the 12th country with which Ukraine concluded a bilateral security agreement to implement the provisions of the G7 Joint Declaration. Before that, Ukraine signed bilateral agreements with Great Britain, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Latvia, Spain and Belgium.

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