Ukraine joins coalition to stop plastic pollution

Source: Ukraine’s environmental ministry

Ukraine has joined the Coalition of High Ambitions to End Plastic Pollution of the Planet.

Currently, the Ukrainian delegation is working in Canada, where the meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for Negotiations on Plastic Pollution and the meeting of representatives of the Eastern European Regional Group is ongoing.

The agenda includes elaboration of the future global plastic agreement.

This international instrument will allow the world to put an end to plastic pollution of the planet by 2040.

According to expert estimates, the use of plastic has increased fourfold over the past 30 years.Without new control measures, its production will double in 20 years, and the amount of plastic waste entering the ocean will triple.

The global agreement on plastics will include joint measures for the transformation of national policies and minimization of plastic waste, its environmentally safe collection, sorting and preparation for reuse and recycling.

Currently, the members of the Coalition of High Ambitions have outlined three strategic goals and seven key results for achieving success in this direction.

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