US and Ukraine nuclear regulators discuss cooperation

Source: State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine

The head of Ukraine’s nuclear regulator Oleh Korikov met with the head of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Christopher T. Henson.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the situation at the Zaporizhzhia NPP temporarily occupied by Russia and current issues of bilateral cooperation.

Oleh Korikov emphasized that the Russian Federation, which has been occupying the Zaporizhzhia NPP for more than two years, continues to cynically violate the fundamental principles of the IAEA security and international law.

According to him, the degradation of nuclear and radiation safety continues to deepen, and the further occupation of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant will only complicate the situation.

During the meeting, the Ukrainian side presented a plan to restore the safety of the nuclear facilities of the Zaporizhzhia NPP after its de-occupation.

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