A co-regulatory body in the field of online media has been registered

Source: Opendatabot

On June 12, a co-regulatory body in the field of online media was registered; it is headed by Vitaliy Fedorchuk.

During the meeting of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting, a member of the council, Olena Nitsko, said that the next stage in the creation of co-regulatory bodies will be the formation of working groups that will develop broadcasting codes and the election of expert boards, Detector Media writes.

According to her, in the near future, the National Council plans to hold a meeting with the board members of selected non-government organizations to discuss further work plans, in particular, regarding the development of rules for the creation and dissemination of information.

According to the website of the regulator, the goal of the co-regulatory body is to ensure the participation of subjects in the field of audiovisual, audio and online media in the development and determination of requirements for the content of information disseminated by the media, prevention of censorship and abuse of freedom of speech.

On December 12, a working group was formed from candidates nominated by online media to work on the creation of a joint regulatory body. It included 12 people. Among the members of the group is ‘Bukvy’ CEO Kateryna Roshuk.

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