Verkhovna Rada launches commission regarding funds for fortifications and drones

Source: ‘European Solidarity’ party press service

The Verkhovna Rada voted for the creation of the Temporary Investigative Commission on the use of funds from the state budget, aimed at the construction of fortifications and purchase of unmanned aerial vehicles for the Armed Forces.

277 members of parliament supported the creation of the commission.

The former president of Ukraine and leader of the ‘European Solidarity’ party Petro Poroshenko noted that the parliament leadership had been blocking the commission for six months.

‘For half a year, the draft resolution had not been submitted to the vote. During these six months, hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers who did not have appropriate fortifications died. This is not just a question of corruption – it is a question of the lives of Ukrainian civilians, Ukrainian soldiers and the protection of our territory,’ the former president stressed.

The commission will consider the construction of fortifications in the frontline areas and the supply of drones to the armed forces.

Yesterday, in his parliament speech, Petro Poroshenko demanded to create the investigative commission.

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